
Enzian Schuhplattler Tracht

What is Tracht?

Tracht comes from the word "Tragen" meaning "to wear." Therefore, Tracht means that which one wears. Enzian's Tracht is intended to represent and preserve the clothing and culture from the Lechtal region of Bavaria during the mid to late 1800s.

A more detailed description of Tracht can be found on the Gauverband website.

[Separator bar]

The following are the variations of Tracht that we wear.
Tanz Tracht   |   Fest Tracht   |   Halb Tracht   |   Folklore   |   Kinder Tracht

Tanz Tracht

[Enzian Schuhplattler]The Tanz Tracht costume consists of the following elements:

Woman's Tanz Tracht:

Skirt       (Trachtenrock)   -- Red, pleated, 4 yds fabric, 2 rows black velvet
				     ribbon, black rick-rack on bottom edge
Bloomers    (Unterhosen)     -- White cotton or linen, knee length
Stockings   (Strumpfhose)    -- White knitted stockings
Slip        (Unterrock)      -- White cotton or linen, 2 inches shorter than skirt, 4 yards fabric
Blouse      (Trachtenbluse)  -- White cotton or linen, short puffy sleeves
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black Trachten shoes
Bodice      (Mieder)         -- Black satin, halb- or vollsteiff
Apron       (Schuertze)      -- White cotton or linen, 3 rows of lace inset
Shawl       (Schultertuch)   -- White cotton or linen, 2 rows of lace inset
Hat         (Trachtenhut)    -- Miesbacher Trachtenhut, green wool velour
Hat ornament(Adlerflaum)     -- White eagle feather
Jewelry     (Trachtenschmuck)-- Mieder chain (3-4 meters); 3 shawl pins;
				     coins (optional); 5 Mieder acorn pins; club pin;
				     Gau pin; Halskette (necklace with many rows 
				     of chains); silver Trachten-look earrings; 
				     silver filagree hair ornaments (optional)
Flowers in Mieder            -- Red carnations with greenery

Man's Tanz Tracht:

Shirt       (Trachten Hemd)  -- White cotton or linen 
Leather shorts(Lederhosen)   -- Black deer leather with green embroidery on flap and legs
Suspenders  (Hosentraeger)   -- Embroidered flowers, wide black straps
Breastplate (Quersteg)       -- Individual
Tie         (Kravatte)       -- Royal blue
Hat         (Trachtenhut)    -- Lechtaler Hut, green wool, velour, green cord
Hat ornament(Gamsbart)       -- Gamsbart (goat hair ornament)
Half socks  (Socken)         -- Loferl, white with green trim
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black Haferlschuhe
Jewelry     (Trachtenschmuck)-- Gamsbart holder; tie ring; club pin; Gau pin

Fest Tracht

For very formal occasions, like Gaufeste and parades, we add or change some costume elements.
These are the pieces that are either added or changed when we wear Fest Tracht.

Woman's Fest Tracht:

Apron       (Schuertze)      -- Pale blue silk
Shawl       (Schultertuch)   -- Pale blue silk, with long knotted fringe

Man's Fest Tracht:

Suspenders  (Hosentraeger)   -- Black leather
Vest        (Veste)          -- Green wool
Jacket      (Joppe)          -- Miesbacher Joppe, gray
Tie         (Kravatte)       -- Pale blue silk
Knee socks  (Struempfe)      -- Gray wool knit knee socks with cable pattern
Jewelry     (Trachtenschmuck)-- Silver tie pin; vest chain (optional)

Halb Tracht

For some events, we may choose to wear a modified version of our Tracht, which we refer to as Halbtracht
(also informally known as "Folklore, soft mieder"). Halbtracht consists of the following elements:

Woman's Halb Tracht (no shawl, no hat):

Skirt       (Trachtenrock)   -- Red, pleated, 4 yds fabric, 2 rows black velvet
				     ribbon, black rick-rack on bottom edge
Bloomers    (Unterhosen)     -- White cotton or linen, knee length
Stockings   (Strumpfhose)    -- White knitted stockings
Slip        (Unterrock)      -- White cotton or linen, 2 inches shorter than skirt, 4 yards fabric
Blouse      (Trachtenbluse)  -- White cotton or linen, short puffy sleeves
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black Trachten shoes
Bodice      (Mieder)         -- Black "soft" Mieder (no boning)
Apron       (Schuertze)      -- White cotton or linen, 3 rows of lace inset
Jewelry     (Trachtenschmuck)-- Halskette (necklace with many rows 
				     of chains); silver Trachten-look earrings; 
				     silver filagree hair ornaments (optional)

Man's Halb Tracht:

Shirt       (Trachten Hemd)  -- White cotton or linen; "collarless" shirt OK 
Leather shorts(Lederhosen)   -- Black deer leather with green embroidery on flap and legs
Suspenders  (Hosentraeger)   -- Embroidered flowers, wide black straps
Breastplate (Quersteg)       -- Individual
Hat         (Trachtenhut)    -- Lechtaler Hut, green wool, velour, green cord
Hat ornament(Gamsbart)       -- Gamsbart (goat hair ornament)
Half socks  (Socken)         -- Loferl, white with green trim
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black Haferlschuhe
Belt        (Gurtel)         --	Embroidered leather belt (optional)
Jewelry     (Trachtenschmuck)-- Gamsbart holder; tie ring; club pin; Gau pin


We also occasionally wear a different costume for less-formal performances or those that occur on weeknights (when it would be difficult for our members to get home from work and change into the more formal Tracht in time). For this, the women wear a Vereins Dirndl—a maroon Bavarian dress made with fabric in a traditional pattern and with a dark blue apron to match. The blouse worn is up to each woman. The men wear the same outfit as for Halbtracht, but are allowed to wear other items that are not officially a part of our Tracht (like a Bavarian wide belt).

Kinder Tracht

Kids' Fest TrachtJunior members wear a modified version of the adult Tracht.

Boys' Tracht

Shirt       (Trachten Hemd)  -- Long-sleeved white shirt 
Leather shorts(Lederhosen)   -- Black deer leather with green embroidery on flap and legs
Suspenders  (Hosentraeger)   -- Narrow leather, grey 
Breastplate (Quersteg)       -- Individual
Hat         (Trachtenhut)    -- Lechtaler Hut, green wool, velour, green cord
Hat ornament(Gamsbart)       -- Gamsbart (goat hair ornament)
Socks	    (Socken)         -- Grey kneesocks
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black leather-soled shoes

Girls' Tracht

Dress       (Dirndl)	     -- Red pleated skirt, black bodice, buttoned down the front
Bloomers    (Unterhosen)     -- White cotton or linen, knee length
Stockings   (Strumpfhose)    -- White tights
Slip        (Unterrock)      -- White cotton or linen, 2 inches shorter than skirt
Blouse      (Trachtenbluse)  -- White cotton with short puffy sleeves
Shoes       (Schuhe)         -- Black leather-soled shoes
Apron       (Schuertze)      -- White cotton or blue silk, depending on what the adults are wearing