West Bezirk

In 2013, four Vereine in Califorina decided to explore the idea of forming a West Bezirk. Since that time more Vereine have joined the West Bezirk. The decision was made to include Gauverband member Vereine as well as any organized Trachtenverein west of the Rocky Mountains. Currently, the West Bezirk member Vereine are:
- Alpentaenzer Schuhplattler, Sacramento, CA
- AVC Edelweiss Dancers, Vancouver, BC
- The Bavarian Schuhplattlers, Edmonton, AB
- BHTV Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA
- Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler, Anaheim, CA
- GTEV D'Oberlandler, Los Angeles, CA
- Enzian Schuhplattler, Seattle, WA
- The Tirolean Dancers, Portland, OR
- Tiroler u. Bayern Zither Club, North Hollywood, CA
West Bezirksfest
The annual West Bezirksfest is held each Spring, hosted by a different Vereine each year:
- Hosted by BHTV Golden Gate in San Francisco, CA
- Hosted by Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler in Anaheim, CA (video playlist)
- Hosted by Alpentaenzer Schuhplattler in Sacramento, CA (video playlist)
- Hosted by GTEV D'Oberlandler in Huntington Beach, CA (video playlist)
- Hosted by Enzian Schuhplattler in Leavenworth, WA (info and video playlist)
- Hosted by Tiroler u. Bayern Zither Club in North Hollywood, CA (video playlist)
- Hosted by AVC Edelweiss Dancers in Vancouver, BC (video playlist)
- Hosted by The Bavarian Schuhplattlers in Edmonton, AB
- Hosted by Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler (video playlist)
- Hosted by Alpentaenzer Schuhplattler in Sacramento, CA (videos here)
- Hosted by BHTV Golden Gate (info here)